dude, ambient music is usually supposed to help you sleep... turn down the F'n treble. its to loud on the high end.
dude, ambient music is usually supposed to help you sleep... turn down the F'n treble. its to loud on the high end.
It's not an ambient song! But thanks for the review, i'll try make my next song less trebly.
waste of time,
you dont even use the chromagno (chromatic) scale nicely
"don't take this seriously. "
k, its wrong
dude i could make this in a day. im surprised most of you people makin these so called "olskool" "hiphop" tunes dont add vocals, to me all this is is a cheep mix between smooth jazz and ambient. throw it out and buy a microphone if you want to do hip hop.
I agree wholeheartedly actually, thats why this was produced for someone with just that, vocals and a mic; its a compliment actually for this to be considered smooth jazz by someone who can produce a whole track in a single day
dude, keyword, "mix"
all you people do is use computer shite... this would not sell, nor could most people even play it.. i bet you cant even play the piano parts at the same time.
if you played the piano nice if it was as computer generated like the rest of it then, throw this shite away. learn to play a real instrument... then learn some music theory and then it wont take so much time puttin it together... for the guy at the top.... fast drums are in alot of jazz, you just dont know what youre talking about... also, for you dude, i hear alot of dissonance, it seems like that is popular with most music program kids.
i honestly have no idea what your trying to say
can you repeat it in another way?
a little something.
im giving you 10/10 cause the intro is trippy, ima use it for one of my tunes. also cause although too short, i like the ending alot.
good job
sounds kinda like some pink floyd or something. i liked the hospital machine thing although it does sound like the snare was forced a bit. all in all 5/5 10/10
yeah the snare drum was tricky to make in sines. personally i like the version with normal drums better, but it seems ppl think otherwise lol
thx for the rev!
you did such a good job, by the way your vocals made the synths sound better. very witty. also, i do sit on my hinnie and i dont do jack shit but chill and toke... and make music.
Doing jack shit, tokin and making music is a good combo.... you're my hero.
haha, thanks for the review!
for a silly song,
its pretty cool. honestly i thought that "harmonic progression" had something to do with making a song but i guess the guy below me doesnt know that much about music... oh well the talent wont be lost on him...
The other guy ? ... oh well ... Thanks for the review !
well I love music and ive been writing and producing songs for about 3 years now... nothing moves me more than music.
Joined on 12/2/07